The easiest way to build Gridsome sites
Gridsome pre-renders your VueJS code, so your websites run super fast with completely static code. Gridsome happens to work beautifully with BagelDB
Built with BagelDB and Gridsome
Smart Rights
Freshboard city
Dedicated Libraries
Gridsome Source
This Gridsome plugin makes it easy to set up a BagelDB project to manage content on your Gridsome site.
const collections = [
module.exports = {
plugins: [
use: '@gridsome/source-bageldb',
options: {
apiToken: 'YOUR_API_TOKEN',
collections: collections,
Gridsome Pages
Our Gridsome support doesn't stay just at sending over your content, but we also made a plugin to help create templated pages based on items in the database
const collections = [
module.exports = {
plugins: [
use: '@gridsome/source-pages',
options: {collections: collections}
Vue Images
All image assets loaded from BagelDB will be delivered as fast and optimised as possible. We built a lazy loaded image package, will load the most optimal image size for the current view.
<bgl-img :src="blog.coverImage.imageURL"></bgl-img>